Saturday, November 14, 2009

We all need to refill

I was talking with Miles last night, and we were discussing the importance of staying spiritually intense for the things of God. Being the independant, fleshly beings we are it is extremely easy to get through the day without spending anytime with the Lord. Pretty sad huh.

It takes effort to put aside spiritual time with Him. It takes time and dedication and disipline, but the end result is fruitful and fulfilling and wonderful and comforting. We have a sense of safety, of being loved and knowing He has a plan.

Here is one of the reasons why I think DAILY time with God is so vital. Satan comes to rob kill and destroy. He preys on you, watches and waits for an opportune moment to pounce and wound. When we are not refilling our lives with Christ, our spirit tires, we become weak, we fail to have the tools to fight back. Just like a lion waits until his prey is tired or weak, he senses it, then goes in for the kill, likewise Satan does the same thing....BUT if we are filled with Gods power, if we are continually refilling our lives with Him. We are prepared, we can handle it, we have the best defense mechanism within......CHRIST!!

Our time with God brings so much wonderful, positive, powerful, uplifting resources into our lives. It also prepares us for trials and temptations that come along, because our confidence is fueled by the refilling of the Holy Spirit!

How does spending time with God enhance your life?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Jett Moses

My little Jett is 1!! Oh my, I cant believe how fast the year has gone. When I found out I was pregnant with this little guy, I have to say I was in total in the world was I going to handle another child. Thankfully I dont have all the answers but God does and he KNEW we needed this little guy and he became the cherry on the top of our family cake;)

The 12 month milestone is just so stinkin cute. Well its all cute but I just look at this little fella and just smile. He has the funnest little personality that is just busting out in cuteness. I have learnt over the years as a Mum to savour every moment, breath in and enjoy, look at simple pleasures and feel contentment. Cause tomorrows become yesterdays and yesterdays are something you never get back again.

Now one thing about this little guy is he acts like he is in charge and well he is...very spoilt, gets whatever he wants, oh and the cuddles and kisses are endless for him. Why you say? Well because he has 4 older siblings that thinks he's pretty stinkin awesome and he NEEDS any toy he desires, heaps of smooches and lots of love. Its the best to watch how much they love their little bro.

One of the things I love about this kid, is well he is a guts. He eats ANYTHING you put in front of him and spends most his time in front of the fridge screaming at the top of his lungs, until you open it get the food he desires then stick it in his gob!

So Jett Moses, we LOVE you and LOVE everything about you...even when you poke and guage Mummy in the eye to wake her up:)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Loving People

Recently I was blessed to go on a tour of Oklahoma, lots to see here....well maybe not. But I have to say this tour was the most magnificent, beautiful, life altering tour I have taken. Upon my arrival we were given a bag and a pair of childrens shoes. Attatched to those shoes was a note describing who owned these shoes. Mine were a sparkly pink pair that were worn and scuffed, the note wrote that these shoes belonged to Lindsey an 8 year old little girl who was placed in DHS custody because of poor parental supervision. Her home was filled with trash and feces and since her removal from her family she has been in 6 different foster homes. Along with the shoes we were given a brick to put in our bags. This brick was a reminder for us of the burden Lindsey carries every was heavy and throughout this magnificent tour I thought about Lindsey, several times, as that brick weighed me down.
This tour was with a ministry called REVIVE ministries. Revive works alongside the missions and non-profits of Oklahoma. They are like a catalyst for these organizations, supporting and helping the community and churches become aware of some amazing programs available for those who are going through some tough times in there life.
The love these places have for people is what really blew me away. Yet again I was reminded and convicted of the sterile bubble I create around my life becoming unaware of the hurt and brokeness outside. I was challenged by the Holy Spirit. I was prompted by a still whisper. Reminding me to LOVE.
So how can one person help this huge amount of poverty? Well I'm glad to say that question came up on our tour, and the speaker had a simple answer....One life at a time. Though the hurt and brokeness around us can seem overwhelming, we can make a difference by outstretching our hand to one life at a time, and see Christs miracles overtake and multiply.
So GO out to the world, or your community and be the beacon of Hope. Feed the hungry, Clothe the naked and LOVE these people with an outstretched hand, one beautiful person at a time....Trust and see what He can do!

Here are some of the missions I got to see

10This most generous God who gives seed to the farmer that becomes bread for your meals is more than extravagant with you. He gives you something you can then give away, which grows into full-formed lives, robust in God,11 wealthy in every way, so that you can be generous in every way, producing with us great praise to God.12 Carrying out this social relief work involves far more than helping meet the bare needs of poor Christians. It also produces abundant and bountiful thanksgivings to God.13 This relief offering is a prod to live at your very best, showing your gratitude to God by being openly obedient to the plain meaning of the Message of Christ. You show your gratitude through your generous offerings to your needy brothers and sisters, and really toward everyone. Corinthians 9:10-13

And with that I bid you Good day;)

Monday, October 12, 2009

A weekend with Abbi

Miles took the boys camping over the weekend, which left me home with 2 of the 5;) One of those two was my oldest daughter Abbigail Brooke. We had a wonderful time together, we ate out, we shopped, we watched movies and hung out. It was wonderful for me to see just how beautiful this little tween is. She is very funny, caring, sweet natured and has VERY expensive taste, so she will have to marry a very wealthy man:) God has blessed me beyond what I could have imagined. I love being a Mum to Abbi, and also love that she can switch to an aussie accent at the drop of a hat....ok that was kinda random, but hey thats how my mind works. I Love you Abbi xo

Thursday, October 8, 2009


OK OK I admit I am not gifted in the area of laundry. I would love to say I have it all together and my laundry is up to date, but ever since my 4th child it has been a war I am unable to conquer, and then my 5th came along and BOOM! My mother-in law and my Mum both love laundry, in fact my mother when I was young would have me take the clothes I was wearing off, just so she could wash them, oh and because she NEEDED a full load (its an aussie thing)! So as I sit here typing to you I am looking at a pile of laundry the size of Mount Everest, and you know the sad part is doesn't seem to bother me too much....there I said it. Although thinking about it I would love some ideas on how you super laundry Moms that happen to enjoy the washing/drying/folding and oh lets not forget to mention the putting away, schedule in your laundry time?

Yet another rambling post of Bon Bon
Cheerio friendsxo

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Well the above title is short for Lifechurch Family Reunion. This awesome event took place last week at Lifechurch. LFR09 is when all the staff and network church leaders gather for some quality time together, and we are also blessed with some amazing speakers (my favorite was Dino Rizzo) and some phenomenal quickshops where we get to hear from other leaders some tools to help us in ministry. Well and I cant forget to mention the Family Fued game....hilarious!
I look at how God has got our family where we are and all I can say is, WOW! I am thankful for all the fabulous people that put this event together, the teamwork is amazing!! Thank you God that I can be part of such an amazing, Godly, spiritual movement. I am blessed;)
Ta Ta til next time...

Monday, September 28, 2009

He loves us oh how He loves us

We had a phenomenal weekend at the Edmond Campus. God moved on the hearts of those who were far from him and over 60 people accepted Him as their Saviour!! How precious to see God at work and the church being refined for His glory.
Miles got up and spoke on how much God loves us. How we are special, unique, called, accepted, not that we deserve it, but because our God is so gracious and wonderful and He loves us! Craigs message convicted us to put our idols and addictions aside and to fill that void with Christ....POWERFUL.
Gods people are being sifted and God is cleaning house. Praise God that we are responding to Him with open arms. Cant wait til next week!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Keeping Approachable

You know I'm noticing this ministry thing is a learning curve thats for sure. One thing that I see alot is how unapproachable Christians can be, especially the type that are a little more spiritual than others, or held to a higher standard, I catch myself doing it, so really what breeds this unapproachable Christian? Thinking about it, I think it's three things, pride, fear and selfishness. Pride because we just think we are too good for that person, fear for what that person may bring into my sterile bubble, and selfishness, simply because we dont have the time and effort for another human being in our perfect little world. Really, is this how Christ lived? Was this how he demonstrated relationships with people?

God is convicting me lately of the importance of loving and accepting ALL, I want people that are sharing their hearts, needing a friend, or just want to share a funny story to know.....I care and am interested. My prayer is that I want my house to be open to those God brings my way. I want my heart to be soft to those who are hurting. I want God to trust me that when he brings someone my way I will be a representation of Him.

So when someone approaches you think of this....what can this person teach me, trust God brought this person across your path, take the time to find out why and be selfless, sometimes our agenda is not as important as the hurt that person wants to share.

Note to self:
Dont be a snob.....stay APPROACHABLE

Monday, September 21, 2009

Guest Post by Kylie Varcoe

First of all I want to tell you a little bit about me – My name is Kylie, I’m almost 25 and I live on the beautiful Gold Coast, Australia! I’ve grown up most of my life here and I would have to say that it is the BEST place to live in the world (I could be a bit bias seeing as I haven’t really been EVERYWHERE in the world)!
I’m a full-time Primary School Teacher and currently teach (very cute) little 5-6 year olds in Prep (the grade below year 1). This year I have also taken on the Kids Ministry at my church and absolutely LOVE it! I was worried that after teaching kids all week at school, I would get sick of coming and giving up my Sunday to hang out with kids too…but it’s the total opposite! I’ve really found that this year God has been etching the heart of the Father upon mine for His children in a great measure than I could even imagine.
During the week I also lead a Life Group for young adults, attend an accountability group with 3 other young women, and I also try to get to the gym a couple days each week. I look at my crazy life and sometimes think, “How in the world do I manage everything?” – and the truth is that without God’s help and keeping focused on Him, I couldn’t!
In the last few weeks I’ve been really challenged with a few simple questions that I encourage you to honestly ask yourselves: “Does my life reflect that I love Jesus more than: my job; my gifting; my myself?”
You see, the world we’re living in demands more and more from us as the days and years go by. God calls us to live a life that is completely for Him. When we do that, we’re freed up from any pressure and expectations of trying to live a life that pleases people! When we live to seek out the praise of people, we’ll always be disappointed and we’ll never live up to our full potential. But if we live as though we’re pleasing an audience of 1, we have the freedom to just be who we are.
If I’m living my life to reflect that I love Jesus more than my life, no matter what may come my way, my security isn’t in my job, my ministry, or myself…my security is in Christ alone! I know that for me, this is definitely not something that I’ve mastered, but requires a daily walk with God to live it out. What’s something practical that you can do today to reflect your love for God?

Friday, September 18, 2009

I have some visitors

I am so excited to have some Australians visit and stay with us over the next couple weeks. Kylie arrives tomorrow, you can follow her on twitter @Kylie_V. When I met Kyles on the Gold Coast in Australia I knew we would be mates. Kylie has a heart for Jesus and kids. She dedicates her life to children as a teacher and is a key volunteer at her local church (a network church) and runs the kids ministry there. Kylie will be spending her "holiday/vacation" time hanging out at the offices and also the Edmond Campus, so look out for her and say G'day! I have asked Kylie to be my very first Superchick for Jesus guest post, so be back on Monday to get to know her more and see her passion and heart for Jesus....See you back here Monday!!! Hooroo;)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

They are not yours, they are Mine

What I'm realizing in my life with my children is the importance of appreciating every step this life brings upon us. I'm feeling God reminding me..."they are not yours, they are Mine" Wow, how I can I forget that one. My job is to prepare these little ones for the future God has in store for them, which may actually mean that they may not live in the same state or town as me, they may even live in another country (AHHHH). They are His, created for His purpose. I'm praying God gives Miles and I the parenting skills, so my children can embrace an uncertain future, knowing that Christ has their life in His hands and when we are not there for them its ok, be confident cause He is always there:)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Superchicks for Jesus

So I am one blessed lady. I am fortunate to have absolutely extraordinary women come into my life. Ones who are from the past, ones that are here one day and gone the next and others that I get to hang out with all the time. So I had this idea.....every now and then I'm going to ask these awesome Superchicks for Jesus to share something on my very popular blog;) I have been thrilled and blessed to know missionary wives, ministry wives, single women who are sold out for Jesus, mothers that have lost a child and allowed Jesus to carry them, ladies that dedicate their lives to their children, mothers that open the door to children they didn't physically give birth to, but they call them their own, I COULD GO ON FOREVER!! Extraordinary women sold out for Christ will be here on this blog every now and again to inspire you, challenge you, lift you up just as they have me....Stay tuned k:)

Friday, September 11, 2009


This is one thing that is the biggest struggle of my life, I was born with 0 discipline. I dont like to exersice, diet, actually committing to ANYTHING that involves using the discipline part of my brain I just will not do. So why is it this is such a struggle? I have numerous friends that literally feed off of having discipline in there lives, and wonder if they are taking some sought of drug. I read in the bible the importance of discipline for our spiritual life, so now I just have to stop using the dull, lame excuses of the past and start getting off my bum, kick my fleshman out the door and start structuring my life and adding the word d..d...discipline;) So anyone out there have this same struggle? How did you overcome it?

So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, disciplineColossians 3:12MSG

Discipline: activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill.

I'm gonna be one skilled Momma I'm tellin ya:)Cherrio xo

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Bonnie Bottlebrush

Well I was blessed with a family that enjoyed nicknames, Karina was Dink, Charlene was Leeny, Jillian was wormy, and I was blessed with a few but one was Bottlebrush (due to my eratic hairstyles). There was 4 girls my Mum and Dad, we all loved family holidays, barbies, yabbying, swimming in creeks, driving to and fro in the cool brown Kingswood. Life was pretty good for a while, that is until alcohol entered the picture.
I was 8 when my Mum and Dad separated and 9 when alcoholism took my fathers life. My mother became a single mother of 4. Her job was cleaning so our income was very minimal. Did I know this yes....did it effect me ? I can honestly say No. God always provided, we always had food, I was a pretty good swimmer, and I trained and went to several competitions. I have been a believer since I was in grade 2 and always knew He was with me. I WAS BLESSED, I had Gods favour on my life and the best part was....He was my Dad.
God filled the BIGGEST gaps throughout my childhood. I went to a pretty cr..azy school where teen pregnancy and partying was the norm, but he took me out of situations like any natural father would....just supernaturally. He put me in a Youth that was sold out for Jesus and I got to know Him more. I made mistakes, my choices were not always the right ones but thankfully His grace was (and is) enough.
I believe this happened because my Mother knew she could not do it all .....her reliance, her husband, her breadwinner, the father of her children became Christ and she had a faith that he would fill the gaps...and He did....and He still does.

Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders— he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out. He’ll never let good people topple into ruin. Psalm 52:22MSG

Thank you God for always being there for me. Even in times I didnt deserve it. Thank you for continually forgiving me, loving me and pouring your grace upon me. Convict me of the things you want changed in my life, and help me change. I love you. Bon

God....the gapfiller

Alot of people ask me "Bonnie how do you do it all" Well the answer is....I dont. I want to be able to do it ALL but reality is I cant. I think these days we want to be sure our child has the best of the best, are in the greatest school (well mine are I guess) the best of friends, any sport they want to be in, the yummiest food, the best toys, the most recent video game. Well and not to mention what they need from us, time, love, a listening ear, one on ones....the list is endless!! I want to be that SUPERMOM that is perfect in every way has everything her family needs before they need it, but unfortunately...I am human;) So often in life we can get so caught up in making sure we are this picture perfect family when in reality the perfection comes from Christ.

I have come to realize there are several needs I am not meeting in the family, others are unintentional pitfalls and although I continue to pray God gives me the time and energy and grace, I look back at my down falls, my potholes and see HE has filled them in, supernaturally. My Lord is my Helper, the best Nanny, Daddy, Teacher, Friend there is and He is making sure my family (including me) is getting what we need!! I know this because He did it with me growing up til now. Now that doesnt mean slacking off by any means, just letting go of the "I gotta do it all" stress in life. We have to make Christ a family member, included in our day, putting our faith in Him to start and finish this race HE began in us. Tomorrow I will post a little of my past and how HE filled the gaps in my life.

Can you look back at your life and see where He was your gapfiller?

Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. Hebrews 12:3MSG

Friday, September 4, 2009

Miles and Me

My husband Miles (the sexiest man alive) is a Campus Pastor at Edmond. We absolutely love how God has got us here and LOVE the people of Edmond. Our home away from home is Edmond and we are honoured to serve Christ and the people here.

A little bit of background, Miles and I have been married 15 years!! Wow sometimes I still feel like honeymooners;). We were both youth kids (the X generation) in Innisfail North Queensland when we met and our relationship blossomed and at the tender age of 18 (gasp) I married my true love.

We have 5 phenomenal children, that bring us joy and allow me to use my vocals at a level I never knew I had:0). Abbi is our only daughter, she is the little Mom. She loves Jesus and volleyball and cheer. She also loves acting and will be in her second musical...The Sound of Music at the end of the year. Jayden is my oldest son. He loves football (grid iron) I dont understand ANY of it, I just nod my head when he wants to share plays etc. He has an absolute passion in him that you dont see very often. A tenacity that exceeds ANY 9 year old out there, oh and he is sad that people go to hell everyday:( so we are hoping his passion and tenacity will work together to get the lost saved! Samuel is my tender hearted little guy. He loves people and relationships. Samuel will give you his very favourite toy just to see you smile. I love his cuddles and kisses, and cant wait to see where God uses him. Then there is Fynn, my Mummys boy. He hangs out with me alot and is a great big brother to Jett, my baby boy who is already crawling and gets whatever he wants, especially from his siblings.

We are enjoying this season in our lives. We are sure to enjoy the now, make the most out of life and loving each other.

I've finally done it

Thats right I have finally started a blog. I'm excited to get into this blogosphere, and get to know other bloggers. I am hoping my blog will evolve as I get used to it all. Hopefully I will keep it as updated as possible, but with my craziness it could be sporadic;)
I decided to call this blog Life in your stride. I try to keep my focus daily on Christ and as I do my day to day chores and walk this life of faith, I want my strides to be Life given because I try to keep my eye on my Leader...Jesus Christ.

God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love—like Christ in everything. We take our lead from Christ, who is the source of everything we do. Eph 4:15 MSG
Luv ya
Hooroo...for now