Friday, October 30, 2009

Jett Moses

My little Jett is 1!! Oh my, I cant believe how fast the year has gone. When I found out I was pregnant with this little guy, I have to say I was in total in the world was I going to handle another child. Thankfully I dont have all the answers but God does and he KNEW we needed this little guy and he became the cherry on the top of our family cake;)

The 12 month milestone is just so stinkin cute. Well its all cute but I just look at this little fella and just smile. He has the funnest little personality that is just busting out in cuteness. I have learnt over the years as a Mum to savour every moment, breath in and enjoy, look at simple pleasures and feel contentment. Cause tomorrows become yesterdays and yesterdays are something you never get back again.

Now one thing about this little guy is he acts like he is in charge and well he is...very spoilt, gets whatever he wants, oh and the cuddles and kisses are endless for him. Why you say? Well because he has 4 older siblings that thinks he's pretty stinkin awesome and he NEEDS any toy he desires, heaps of smooches and lots of love. Its the best to watch how much they love their little bro.

One of the things I love about this kid, is well he is a guts. He eats ANYTHING you put in front of him and spends most his time in front of the fridge screaming at the top of his lungs, until you open it get the food he desires then stick it in his gob!

So Jett Moses, we LOVE you and LOVE everything about you...even when you poke and guage Mummy in the eye to wake her up:)

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