Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Keeping Approachable

You know I'm noticing this ministry thing is a learning curve thats for sure. One thing that I see alot is how unapproachable Christians can be, especially the type that are a little more spiritual than others, or held to a higher standard, I catch myself doing it, so really what breeds this unapproachable Christian? Thinking about it, I think it's three things, pride, fear and selfishness. Pride because we just think we are too good for that person, fear for what that person may bring into my sterile bubble, and selfishness, simply because we dont have the time and effort for another human being in our perfect little world. Really, is this how Christ lived? Was this how he demonstrated relationships with people?

God is convicting me lately of the importance of loving and accepting ALL, I want people that are sharing their hearts, needing a friend, or just want to share a funny story to know.....I care and am interested. My prayer is that I want my house to be open to those God brings my way. I want my heart to be soft to those who are hurting. I want God to trust me that when he brings someone my way I will be a representation of Him.

So when someone approaches you think of this....what can this person teach me, trust God brought this person across your path, take the time to find out why and be selfless, sometimes our agenda is not as important as the hurt that person wants to share.

Note to self:
Dont be a snob.....stay APPROACHABLE

1 comment:

  1. I am bad at this! May we all do better as we seek to be more like Him!
