Saturday, November 14, 2009

We all need to refill

I was talking with Miles last night, and we were discussing the importance of staying spiritually intense for the things of God. Being the independant, fleshly beings we are it is extremely easy to get through the day without spending anytime with the Lord. Pretty sad huh.

It takes effort to put aside spiritual time with Him. It takes time and dedication and disipline, but the end result is fruitful and fulfilling and wonderful and comforting. We have a sense of safety, of being loved and knowing He has a plan.

Here is one of the reasons why I think DAILY time with God is so vital. Satan comes to rob kill and destroy. He preys on you, watches and waits for an opportune moment to pounce and wound. When we are not refilling our lives with Christ, our spirit tires, we become weak, we fail to have the tools to fight back. Just like a lion waits until his prey is tired or weak, he senses it, then goes in for the kill, likewise Satan does the same thing....BUT if we are filled with Gods power, if we are continually refilling our lives with Him. We are prepared, we can handle it, we have the best defense mechanism within......CHRIST!!

Our time with God brings so much wonderful, positive, powerful, uplifting resources into our lives. It also prepares us for trials and temptations that come along, because our confidence is fueled by the refilling of the Holy Spirit!

How does spending time with God enhance your life?


  1. Great thoughts Bon! So relevant for me right now! Love ur writings!

  2. It IS life.
    Great thoughts as we enter a very busy season!
